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What is silk? How silk is produced?

Silk is a natural fibre thread. Silk material is suitable for summers also as it is a lightweight material and its airy feature. It keeps warm air close to the skin during cold weather due to its low conductivity. Silk Production first began in China at the ancient times and now there are 20m who […]

The Benefits of Wearing Silk Sarees.

Sarees are a femine wear of India since thousands of years and also in this 21 century era saree is the most common wear of womens there are many benefits of wearing silk sarees, Sarees can be worn at any occasions like daily wear, wedding or functions wear and professional office wear too. Sarees come […]

The Famous Traditional Sarees of India.

        India has the richest heritage & culture in the world, We Indians still follow our traditions which were started thousand years ago. One of our traditional wear is Saree which is the oldest women’s wear from ancient times and till now saree is the most common wear of our country, Indian has many Famous Traditional […]

6 Reasons Why Ilkal Sarees Best Tradition Silk Sarees

6 Reasons Why Ilkal sarees are known as the best traditional silk sarees.

Ilkal saree is a traditional form of saree which is common feminine wear in India. Ilkal in the town of Bagalkot district in Karnataka.  The Ilkal saree industry has a 1,000-year-old tradition. The sarees are manufactured from handlooms, Ilkal town has up to thousands of handlooms. Here are the Six reasons why Ilkal saree’s are the best […]